'Save Me', a short film created by Amani Simpson, sheds light on the challenges faced by young people who suffer as a result of exploitation.

"2 teenagers, connected through trauma, embark on a cab journey in search of freedom."

Enfield Council - with funding from the Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities - commissioned Simpson's company Aviard Inspires to produce the project. Care experienced young people from across Enfield were actively involved in the production of 'Save Me' The film features popular YouTuber and TikToker A Smxlls, along with rapper Litty Lights from Nines' Crop Circle film.

As part of the project, a comprehensive handbook has been developed to further explore key themes such as grooming, child criminal exploitation, intimidation, and control. This resource is designed to support professionals working with young people at risk of exploitation. Access the handbook here.

Watch 'Save Me' below.

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