Inspectors praised staff and their work, following a recent focused visit to review Camden's work with young people that are subject to children in need and child protection plans.
In the letter, Ofsted remark on the progress made since Camden's last 'Outstanding' rated inspection. Practitioners were recognised for their direct work with children, demonstrating their sensitivity, skill and knowledge in the field. Ofsted highlight the innovative practices carried out in Camden and the cultural competence of many practitioners when carrying out their work.
In particular, Ofsted inspectors note that:
"Workers enjoy working for Camden. They appreciate the opportunities of working in a diverse community, with flexible working arrangements and well-managed caseloads, enabling them to spend time with children and to effect change in families. Corporate and political leaders place immense value on social workers and the difficult work they do. They recognise the importance of considering their wellbeing and controlling caseloads. They have secured resources to embed service changes, aiming to strengthen the environment for social work practice to flourish."
Camden’s Cabinet Member for Best Start for Children and Families, Councillor Marcus Boyland, thanked everyone for their hard work and dedication.
"It is clear the inspectors were impressed with our work and the smooth and seamless way the team handled the whole thing. It’s a testament to everyone’s hard work and commitment that it went so well. For me, the stand-out comments were around how our social workers are committed, passionate, skilled and knowledgeable in their work. I think they do us proud and I certainly feel a sense of pride when I talk to colleagues from other places about our work."
Councillor Marcus Boyland, Camden Council
You can read the full letter from Ofsted here.
This recent positive feedback reinforces Ofsted's 2022 ‘Outstanding’ rating of Camden Council’s children’s services that places Camden amongst the best performers in the country.
Ofsted found that children and young people in Camden are not only well protected against harm and abuse – with early help services also playing an important role in picking up issues before they become worse - but children in care and care leavers are listened to and given a wide range of opportunities to progress and thrive. Children’s social workers in Camden also said they were “proud” to work for the Council.
"Children in the London Borough of Camden benefit from good and outstanding services, some of which have been sustained over many years while others have further improved. They are protected and cared for by a highly effective collegial response to contemporary social issues."
"Relationships that value culture, identity and the uniqueness of each individual underpin social work practice in Camden. Early help consistently helps families to work things out for themselves and to stay together with a brighter future."
"Children in care and those who look after them have high aspirations for the future, regardless of the complexity of children’s needs. Children receive exceptional care and support and are protected decisively from harm when required."
Visit Camden’s page to find out more about working in the borough, view their current social work job opportunities, and apply to work with them at this exciting time.