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1 year ago
External news

Families to face eviction if children fail to inform on knife crime

This week a labour party member announced they will threaten to evict families if their children do not alert the police on people who commit knife crime Darren Rodwell the leader of Barking and Dagenham Council made the threat as the East London authority urged parents to keep closer tabs on their children ahead of...
1 year ago
External news

Schools out: children face ‘lost decade’ in education after the pandemic

Government ministers have warned today that if action is not taken soon some pupils will face a 'lost decade' of progress in schools in England The Public Accounts Committee have expressed serious concern that it could take years for the gap in attainment between disadvantaged pupils and others to return to pre-pandemic levels...
1 year ago
External news

‘Little known’ about which practice models work best amid ‘huge variation’ in approach – evidence body

Little is known about which social work practice models work best amid huge variation in approaches across England's local authorities That was among the messages from Foundations the new evidence body created from the merger of What Works for...
1 year ago
External news

Naomi Allen – 2017 Frontline programme fellow

Naomi Allen was part of the Cohort of the Frontline programme and currently works as a consultant social worker supporting current Frontline programme as they qualify as social workers...
1 year ago
External news

Frontline faces tougher targets for qualifying and retaining social workers in new contract

Frontline will face tougher targets on qualifying and retaining social workers after winning the right to continue delivering fast-track training for aspiring children's practitioners in England The organisation will also be paid by its results in retaining participants in winning...
1 year ago
External news

Frontline to deliver new national fast-track social work training programme

Frontline England's largest social work charity will be delivering the next iteration of the national fast-track social work training programme having been awarded the contract by the Department for Education...
1 year ago
External news

Sophie, Frontline programme cohort 2016

Sophie was part of the third Frontline programme cohort in and now works as a team manager in the safeguarding service team at her local authority...
1 year ago
External news

Anton Grizzle – 2015 Frontline programme fellow

Anton Grizzle started the Frontline programme in as a recent graduate and currently works in advocacy for children and young people...
1 year ago
External news

“We look to create strong connections and lasting relationships with children and families to ensure they know they are not alone.”

Nick and Sarah are two Frontline Fellows and after spending years as social workers they decided to try an alternative way to support children and families They joined Safe Families in Sarah and Nick a charity which is set up to support iso...
1 year ago
External news

Emily – 2014 Frontline programme fellow

Emily was in the very first Frontline programme cohort in and currently occupies the role of team leader in a referral and assessment team at her local authority's children services...