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2 years ago
External news

HMCI commentary: Ofsted's strategy 2022 to 2027

HM Chief Inspector Amanda Spielman introduces Ofsted's new strategy...
2 years ago
External news

New frameworks for joint targeted area inspections (JTAIs)

Ofsted CQC and HMICFRS have today announced the restart of their programme of joint targeted area inspections JTAIs...
2 years ago
External news

Joint targeted area inspection (JTAI) of Solihull published

A report published following the joint inspectorate's JTAI in Solihull...
2 years ago
External news

Transformational investment in children’s social care placements

More places in children's homes for vulnerable young people along with mandatory national standards and new Ofsted accountability to end unregulated accommodation...
2 years ago
External news

Ofsted Annual Report: We must do all we can to make sure this generation is not denied its opportunities

The Chief Inspector's Annual Report says that nearly all children and learners have been affected by the pandemic with long-term consequences unknown...
2 years ago
External news

Ofsted launches consultation for children’s homes and residential holiday schemes

The consultation contains proposals on new inspection arrangements for children's homes and residential holiday schemes...
2 years ago
External news

Ofsted calls for stronger oversight of early years multiple providers and social care groups

Ofsted has published two research reports looking at early years multiple providers and providers that own more than one children's home...
2 years ago
External news

Inspectorates: Urgent action needed at Oakhill Secure Training Centre

Vulnerable children face frequent violence and excessive use of force at Oakhill Secure Training Centre while living conditions are 'dilapidated' Ofsted HMI Prisons and the CQC find...
2 years ago
External news

Rainsbrook Secure Training Centre branded inadequate by inspectors

Rainsbrook Secure Training Centre has been downgraded to inadequate by inspectors the lowest possible rating...
3 years ago
External news

New recovery fund to tackle harms facing vulnerable children

million regional fund for children's social care including funding to support unaccompanied minors...