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1 year ago
External news

‘Being my authentic self’ – Lessons from a Service Manager on the Pathways programme

I have met and been shaped by many inspiring people and events during my time as a social worker which have led me to where I am today I wanted to do the Pathways programme to take some time to pause and understand what really matters to me the fundamentals of my leadership style and to consider how I would want to shape services for the future...
1 year ago
External news

Eric Wedge-Bull – 2018 Frontline programme fellow

Eric Wedge-Bull was on the Frontline programme cohort and currently works as an advanced practitioner also known as a senior social worker and consultant social worker at his local authority...
1 year ago
External news

Eric Wedge-Bull – 2018 Frontline programme fellow

Eric Wedge-Bull was on the Frontline programme cohort and currently works as an advanced practitioner also known as a senior social worker and consultant social worker at his local authority...
1 year ago
External news

Home Office has recruited just 40% of social workers needed for asylum body

By Dan Parton The Home Office has just of the social workers it needs for its new asylum age assessment body in post more than a year after starting recruiting As of April this year of the...
1 year ago
External news

English teens to receive just one dose of a cancer vaccine

Despite the English stereotype of teenagers across the country taking too far with alcoholic shots recent evidence announced today suggests a single shot of the HPV vaccine is enough to provide significant protection against a range of cancers Studies from across the globe suggest one does of the HPV vaccine a jab that contains human...
1 year ago
External news

New child maintenance powers to protect victims from domestic abusers

A government-backed Bill ensuring victims of domestic abuse can receive financial support for their children without contact from their abuser has been approved by Parliament The new law will allow the Child Maintenance Service CMS to intervene on behalf of parents where abuse is evident using its powers to collect and make payments This set-up...
1 year ago
External news

Community Care Live is back! Sign up now for free social work learning, wellbeing and networking

Community Care Live has opened for registration offering social care practitioners an unrivalled mix of learning wellbeing support networking and career development opportunities You can sign up now for the free seminars at this year's event while also...
1 year ago
External news

Unaccompanied children in hotels are councils’ responsibility – judge

Social Work Recap is a weekly series where we present key news events conversations tweets and campaigns around social work from the preceding week From a ruling over who's responsible for unaccompanied migrant children living in hotels to the exploitation...
1 year ago
External news

New restrictions applied for the prescription of puberty blockers

NHS England have announced new restrictions when prescribing puberty blockers to children who are wanting to change to the opposite sex Last week the publicly-funded health service NHS England stated they will no longer give the hormone-blocking medicines known as goserelin and leuprolide to trans youth attending gender clinics Commenting on the new restriction the...
1 year ago
External news

“It’s so important that all local authorities and social workers practice inclusivity and celebrate diversity within any working environment”

We spoke with Charlie who is passionate about diversity and inclusion representation Charlie is a registered social worker but decided to move out of statutory social work to find new ways to ensure that young people within the LGBTQIA community receive the support they need from their social workers...