6 years ago
External news

Adult social care services on brink of collapse, survey shows

Some councils in England 'cannot go on' without long-term funding to underpin careSocial care services for vulnerable adults are on the verge of collapse in some areas of England despite the provision of extra government funding senior council officials have warned The fragile state of many council social care budgets -- coupled with growing demand for services increasing NHS pressure and spiralling staff costs -- is highlighted in research by the Association of Directors of...
6 years ago
External news

Early years cuts 'pushing more children into care' in England

Children's commissioner says nearly half of budget is spent on children in care systemIncreasing numbers of children will fall through the gaps into the care system risking school exclusion or falling prey to gang violence because of cuts to early years and youth services the children's commissioner for England has warned Anne Longfield said cuts of to Sure Start and other preventative services since had effectively removed vital safety nets for at-risk youngsters and families...
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