1 year ago
External news

Local authorities having to find homes for children at the ‘last minute’

An Ofsted report published today finds that local authorities are struggling to find homes for children coming into care...
1 year ago
External news

Amanda Spielman's speech at the 2022 National Children and Adult Services conference

Ofsted's Chief Inspector spoke at the National Children and Adult Services NCASC annual conference...
1 year ago
External news

Yvette Stanley letter to the Chair of the Child Safeguarding Practice Review Panel

Ofsted's National Director Regulation and Social Care provides analysis of evidence around workforce sufficiency in residential special schools as part of a national review...
2 years ago
External news

Joint targeted area inspections to focus on early help for children and families

Ofsted CQC and HMICFRS have published guidance for the thematic focus on early help for families as part of their programme of joint targeted area inspections JTAIs...
2 years ago
External news

Ofsted: Concerns over damaging impact of staff shortages on children’s social care

A new report looks at the ongoing impact of the COVID- pandemic on children's social care...
2 years ago
External news

Yvette Stanley’s speech to the ADCS conference 2022

A keynote speech by Ofsted's National Director Social Care and Regulation at the Association of Directors of Children's Services ADCS conference...
2 years ago
External news

Ofsted launches consultation on care leavers inspection judgement

The consultation asks for views on a proposed new judgement on the experiences and progress of care leavers...
2 years ago
External news

Every child deserves the best start in life

Ofsted has today published a new strategy for the next years to...
2 years ago
External news

HMCI commentary: Ofsted's strategy 2022 to 2027

HM Chief Inspector Amanda Spielman introduces Ofsted's new strategy...
2 years ago
External news

New frameworks for joint targeted area inspections (JTAIs)

Ofsted CQC and HMICFRS have today announced the restart of their programme of joint targeted area inspections JTAIs...
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